What relationship do you have to online content?
In the world of social media, information that gets shared in posts as text, images, and video is known as "content". Here are four primary roles that humans play with regard to content, as far as I can tell:
Content Producer: The creatives and artists. The graphics designers and videographers. The people speaking into their cameras and recording what they see in the world.
Content Sharer (the Informer): The people who are sharing their comments and sharing the content. The people who drive the virality of what the producers create by sharing it with their own comments and engaging their audiences on what's out there.
Content Consumer: The every day person who jumps online and watches a funny TikTok video or gives a like or a share to some media. Most of us are consumers, like it or not.
Content Believer: These are the people who don't just consumer the content or share it, but they truly believe in it. Sometimes this can just be someone who loves a specific topic and so they feel obligated to learn more about it and believe that it needs to be in the world. Other times, this might be the person who is motivated by a specific political or religious belief who seeks any content supporting their own confirmation bias. The latter is a terrible thing to have happen in our world.
Creators and sharers are the informers and the visionaries. They're the ones driving the modern day internet forward. The consumers are the ones who need to be careful. Their actions are really the true data that social media networks want. They're the ones who are being targeted with ads based on their habits and attitudes toward the content they consumer. The content believer is someone different. As with any form of belief, blind belief can lead us into danger.